Changes in the Articles of Association

At the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting of Türk Eximbank convened on 12 January 2017, “Article 7 - Capital of the Bank”, and “Article 8 - Capital Increase” of the Articles of Association were modified. Under the modification made, the Bank switched to the registered capital system and the registered capital ceiling was set as TL 10,000,000,000. At the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Bank convened on 26 March 2021, Articles 7 and 8 of the Articles of Association were updated and the registered capital ceiling was set as TL 17,500,000,000. At the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Bank convened on 14 March, Article 7 of the Articles of Association was amended once again, and the registered capital ceiling was increased to TL 30,000,000,000. Based on the Bank’s Board of Directors decision dated 29 December 2021, the Bank’s share capital was raised to TL 13,800,000,000, which is the current share capital amount.