Human Resources Practices

Human Resources Policy

The Bank’s human resources policy is executed according to the general principles dictated in the Bank’s Articles of Association and Human Resources Regulations.

The main principles of the Bank’s human resources policy are as follows:

1. To employ an efficient number of competent, exceptionally skilled, creative and inquisitive personnel who have a capacity for analytical thinking, for the execution of the Bank’s activities in order to reach its goals;

2. To take special care in recruiting employees according to principles of equity and under equal conditions, determining the recruitment criteria in writing by use of titles, and applying these criteria;

3. To provide employees with an equal-opportunity work environment in which they can utilize and improve their abilities and qualifications;

4. To establish an employee personal rights and wage system that increases their motivation and encourages them to work at the Bank, allowing the Bank to employ manpower with qualifications and numbers required by the service.

The specialized nature of the Bank’s operations requires a highly qualified and professional staff; hence career development is very important.

In addition, efforts are being spent to build on the qualifications of employees and employee engagement by backing training programs carried out in cooperation with various institutions with e-learning programs.

During 2022, 67 employees left the Bank and 81 new employees were employed.