The Committees for Risk Management and Bank Transactions at Türk Eximbank

Audit Committee


Nail OLPAK (Member of the Board)


Mustafa GÜLTEPE (Member of the Board)

The Audit Committee was established by the decision of the Board of Directors dated 31 October 2006. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee is authorized and responsible for: ensuring the efficiency and adequacy of the internal control, risk management and internal audit systems; monitoring the operations of internal systems, accounting and reporting systems, and the integrity of the information generated by them in compliance with related legislation; and, during the Board of Directors’ process of choosing independent auditors, rating institutions, evaluation and support services firms, performing pre-assessment of candidates and regularly monitoring the activities of the selected institutions. The Regulations on the Procedure and Principles of the Operations of the Audit Committee was revised by the Board’s decision dated 30 September 2022.

Credit Committee


Ali GÜNEY (General Manager)


Murat ZAMAN (Chairman of the Board)


Fahriye Alev ARKAN (Member of the Board)

The Credit Committee is vested with the authority to issue to a real or legal person a domestic loan up to ten percent (10%) of the Bank’s equities provided that collaterals deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors are created. That kind of authority is limited for different types of guarantees.

The Credit Committee fulfills the said duty delegated thereto by the Board of Directors within the frame of the procedures and principles set out in the applicable legislation in accordance with Article 31 of the Bank’s Articles of Association.

Islamic Banking Advisory Committee


Prof. Dr. İsak Emin Aktepe

Deputy Chairman:

Prof. Dr. Mürteza Bedir


Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Karaman

Islamic Banking Advisory Committee established by the Board of Directors decision dated 09 September 2022 pursues its activities under the Board of Directors pursuant to the Communiqué on Compliance with the Principles and Standards of Interest-Free Banking published on 14 September 2019.

The Advisory Committee is charged with deciding on standard contracts pertaining to the Bank’s products and services associated with Islamic (interest-free) banking activities, internal guidelines, interest-free banking principles and standards, and implementation thereof.