Türkiye’s official export support institution

Türkiye İhracat Kredi Bankası A.Ş. (Türk Eximbank) was incorporated through the transformation of the  Devlet Yatırım Bankası into a joint stock company subject to the provisions of the Private Law within the principles set out by the Decree numbered 87/11914. Having started operations in 1987 as an official export credit agency according to international taxonomy, the Bank started implementing its programs de facto by early 1988.

Türk Eximbank increases the diversity of its products and services year by year, which it has developed for driving exports, diversification of export goods and services, penetrating new markets for export goods, and providing assurance to exporters, overseas contractors and investors in international markets.

As the official export credit agency in Türkiye, the Bank has been extending credit and receivable insurance support to exporters of goods and services, to firms undertaking projects abroad, and companies producing and selling investment goods since 1987.

Responding to exporters’ business and investment finance needs on the one hand, Türk Eximbank protects exporters from collection and market risk by way of receivable insurance and derivatives/FC buying/selling transactions on the other hand, and helps them increase the share they get from international trade.

Gradually expanding branch network

Türk Eximbank offers service with 23 branches and 6 liaison offices throughout the country as of the end of 2023. Headquartered in İstanbul (Anadolu Yakası), the Bank has İç Anadolu, Marmara and Ege Regional Directorates

Türk Eximbank renders its services through 23 branches covering İstanbul Avrupa Yakası, İstanbul Odakule, İstanbul İkitelli OSB, İstanbul Merkez Şube, Gaziantep, İzmir, Denizli, Bursa, Kayseri, Konya, Ankara, Antalya, Adana, Gebze, Çorlu, Maltepe, Manisa, Mersin, Eskişehir, Trabzon, Kahramanmaraş, İskenderun and Diyarbakır branches, and 6 liaison offices in Samsun, Aydın, Erzurum, İstanbul Anadolu Yakası Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Isparta and Balıkesir.


The Undersecretariat of Treasury holds all of the Bank’s shares. Neither the chair nor the members of the Board of Directors nor the general manager nor any deputy general manager owns shares in the Bank.

Based on the Bank’s Board of Directors decision dated 23 June 2023, the Bank’s registered capital was increased to TL 20,600,000,000, which is the current registered capital amount.

The Bank’s Ordinary General Assembly Meeting convened on 21 July 2023, and Article 7 of the Articles of Association was updated and the authorized capital was increased to TL 50,000,000,000.