Türk Eximbank establishes an open and active communication with exporters that take place within its stakeholders, and makes sure they have complete, accurate and consistent information about the Bank’s activities.

In line with its target to create permanent exporter satisfaction, Türk Eximbank carefully considers all information, complaints, requests and suggestions from exporters to understand and cater to their expectations, and also regards this information as an important tool and input for improving its business processes.

At Türk Eximbank, complaints received via the website, phone or email are processed and handled in accordance with the Customer Complaints and Feedback Handling Process.

Issues subject to complaints are forwarded to related units depending on the content and entered in the call recording system, with the status “awaiting response from related unit”. Once complainants are informed about the related unit’s response and/or action, the call is reclassified under the status “completed”.

Export Support Service (ESS) Channels


Complaints are reported using the forms on the website at

Forms are automatically forwarded to ESS recording system in the form of automatic entries and email notifications for being processed. The complaint is conveyed to the related unit by ESS. The complaint is maintained on the call record system with the status “awaiting response from related unit”.

The complainant is responded to within 25 days as set out in the “Customer Complaints and Feedback Handling Process” document. The related unit reports its response and/or the action it has taken to ESS, and either asks the ESS to inform the complainant or can directly contact the complainant to provide information.

After the complainant is contacted, the entry in the call record system is reclassified under “completed” status.


Written requests are

e-mailed to

The complaint, which is manually entered in the call record system by ESS, is simultaneously conveyed to the related unit. The complaint is maintained on the call record system with the status assigned as “awaiting response from related unit”.


ESS phone line is reached at the number

0850 200 55 00

The complaint, which is manually entered in the call record system by the ESS employee who takes the call, is simultaneously conveyed to the related unit. The complaint is maintained on the call record system with the status assigned as “awaiting response from related unit”.

During 2023, ESS received 41 exporter complaints, of which 8 were about marketing communication/information and 33 related to other matters, and they were all resolved.