Türk Eximbank aims to measure the environmental and social impact of its operations, to take measures to mitigate its impact, and thus, to fulfill its responsibility in these areas with steps taken in harmony with the SDGs.

Adopted by 193 UN-member states on 25 September 2015, the convention titled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” comprises 17 SDGs and 169 associated targets.

Global concurrence secured around the SDGs that put forth a sweeping sustainability agenda marks an important turning point for guiding the world to a more inclusive and sustainable growth path.

In our day, tens of thousands of businesses and civil society organizations around the world are revisiting their way of doing business in line with the targets described under the SDGs and in the light of the universal criteria of sustainability.

Türk Eximbank directly contributes to 10 SDGs with the value it generates and shares within the scope of its sustainability priorities and initiatives.



Personal and professional development training for all employees

  • Training and Certificate Procedure
  • Exim Academy Platform
  • Internal Trainer Training Program
  • Executive Development and Leadership Development training
  • Professional internal training programs on the Bank’s products and services
  • Occupational Health and Safety training
  • Internship positions in the IT unit for university students under ExIT Long-Term Internship Program

Activities aimed at ensuring complete and effective participation of women in economic and social life and their having equal opportunities

  • Credit facilities for meeting women entrepreneurs’ financial needs
  • Opportunity for all women employees to be promoted to managerial positions and to be included in promotion appraisals

Activities aimed at increased energy efficiency

  • Financing provided to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
  • Efficiency investments focused on protecting the environment at the Head Office and branch buildings
  • I-Rec certificate

Support mechanisms for high added-value exports, entrepreneurship, innovation and green transformation

  • SME finance
  • Financing women entrepreneurs
  • Medium-long term investment goods financing within the scope of international loans
  • Participation finance products
  • Digital banking products
  • Sustainability-themed syndicated loans

Inclusive financial instruments that support sustainable production

  • Low-cost loans to medium- and small-scale exporters
  • Receivable insurance for exports
  • Domestic credit insurance
  • Participation finance products
  • Support models for minimizing exporters’ carbon tax costs within the scope of compliance with the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
  • Support exporters with parallel/co-financing and guarantees secured from international institutions

HR practices and corporate governance policies that prioritize equal opportunities and diversity

  • Offer equal opportunities to candidates during recruitment and promotion
  • An HR Procedure with details on equality and anti-discrimination

Support projects for combating climate change within the frame of the target of decarbonized Türkiye by 2053

  • Financing provided to renewable energy and energy efficiency projects
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) system
  • Sustainability-linked syndicated loans
  • Participation in, and contribution to, the activities of the OECD Working Party on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees and OECD Participants to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits

Regularly monitor environmental impact of operational activities; develop strategies and policies for building on methods to combat climate change

  • Integrated Management System entailing quality, environment, occupational health and safety topics
  • Monitoring, calculating and reporting carbon and GHG emissions
  • I-Rec certificate

Initiatives targeted at preserving the land ecosystem and preventing loss of biodiversity

  • Waste management and recycling initiatives
  • Effective water management for saving water

Programs contributing to sustainable economic growth through national and international collaborations

  • Agreements made with multi-lateral financial institutions and export credit agencies
  • Participation in various meetings, seminars and workshops held by various financial institutions during the course of the year
  • Creation of sustainability reports and performance indicators