Türk Eximbank carries on with its operations adhering to the roadmap and projects devised in the Strategic Transformation Program it has launched in 2020 in line with Türkiye’s export strategies.

Strategic Transformation Program

Türk Eximbank launched the “Strategic Transformation Program” in 2020 as part of its restructuring efforts, under which it was transformed into a structure that proactively supports exporters that generate high added value.

In this context, the Bank works towards determining exporters’ needs and potential barriers that they might face in advance to broaden its product and service range targeted at their needs and improving exporters’ experience with Türk Eximbank’s services and products.

Committed to sustaining its support to exporters at an increasing extent in the new century of the Turkish Republic, Türk Eximbank takes heed of international best practices, as well as the policies and measures specified in economy programs when setting out its strategic priorities and goals.

Main goal: “Augmenting the Impact of Eximbank Support Schemes to the Country’s Exports”

In line with its main goal, Türk Eximbank defined its strategic priorities as “increasing the support schemes provided for value-added exports”, “increasing the support schemes provided to SME exporters”, and “increasing the support schemes targeted towards green transformation”.

As part of green transformation financing efforts, Türk Eximbank is anticipated to secure funds in the amount of EUR 1.3 billion approximately in 2024 to support exporters’ energy efficiency and renewable energy investments.

To reach these targets, the Bank’s strategic priorities that it will continue to work on and develop in 2024 are as follows:


Action Taken/to be Taken

Giving priority to financing high-technology and value-added exports

Türk Eximbank’s business model and corporate infrastructure will be developed in view of international best practices, and Eximbank’s support schemes will be made available with priority given to green and digital transformation in the financing of high technology and value added exports.

Continuing to collaborate with surety institutions for new exporter acquisition

The number of exporters benefiting from the Bank’s financing schemes will be increased by making available İGE-guaranteed credit facilities and reactivating KGF Treasury-Backed Guarantee Transactions Protocol.

Weight will be given to financing SMEs and women entrepreneurs.

Supporting investments for achieving compliance with the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The Bank will continue to work on support models for minimizing exporters’ carbon tax costs. Credit support will be provided from sustainability-themed funds to investments for compliance with the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism primarily to global buyers’ suppliers in Türkiye.

Supporting Türkiye’s “Levelling Up Exports to Distant Countries Strategy

Support will be given to the Ministry of Trade’s initiatives for increasing the range of exports of goods and services and developing trade with countries that are geographically distant from the country and have high export potential. To this end, 2024 Target Countries defined by the Ministry of Trade will be taken into account.

Broadening initiatives in Participation Finance

One of the interest-free fund disbursement methods introduced for interest-averse exporters, the İstisna method will be used to finance customers’ investment needs.

Furthermore, Participation-Based Export Receivables Insurance will contribute to increasing our country’s exports in a safe environment by insuring the exporters’ export receivables that will arise from their sales of goods in accordance with the Participation Banking Principles and Standards to non-resident buyers against commercial and political risks.

Offering new digital solutions for exporters

Digital service infrastructure reinforcement project will be brought to completion, and the transaction sets offered to exporters through digital channels will be diversified.

Maturing information security processes

The system will be reviewed in terms of upgrading security surveillance and data loss prevention processes; existing rule sets will be rearranged to generate less erroneous cases, new rule sets will be added in line with current risks, and awareness programs will be organized in addition to information security training. Furthermore, the scope of scenarios employed in security testing will be broadened.

In parallel with all these initiatives, all security operations will be automatized using the Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) solution.

The channel capability will be increased for anti-fraud efforts with the addition of new scenarios and deepening of existing ones.

Collaboration with other banks and institutions will be carried on and joint solutions will be introduced.

Increased Ratio of SME Lending Volume

The ratio of SME lending volume, which was registered as 25.2% in 2023, is targeted to be increased in 2024.

Disbursing Funds Secured from Supranational Institutions

The fund secured form supranational institutions is planned to be made available to support exporters.

Increasing the Share of High and Medium-High Technology Exports in Credit Volume

The share of high and medium-high technology exports in credit volume is targeted to be realized as 42.20% in 2024.

Conducting an Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire

Attaching importance to maintaining effective communication with employees, Türk Eximbank targets to administer an employee satisfaction questionnaire in 2024.

Implementing RPA (Robotic Process Automation) for further gains in business processes fit for automation


The gains secured in 2023 in energy- and time-consuming business processes bringing operational load thanks to RPA initiatives are intended to be broadened in 2024 with the aim of energy saving, increased productivity and further enhancement of internal/external customer satisfaction.

Supplier Evaluation Process

Attaching importance to supplier evaluation and compliance, Türk Eximbank targets to establish a supplier assessment process in 2024 to evaluate suppliers in terms of conformity to specifications, meeting deadlines and compliance with sustainability policies and the like. Suppliers failing to achieve the score set by the Bank in the evaluation will likely be suspended.

Reviewing HR Behavioral Competence Definitions and Introduction of Competence and Potential Measurement Assessment Systems

The Bank is targeting to review competence sets and align assessment tools depending on competence sets in 2024.



Digitalization Projects in 2024

Business Process




Credit Analysis Process

Company analysis process is targeted to be digitized for process improvement purposes.

Credit Allocation Process

Credit allocation processes are targeted to be simplified and brought into alignment with business processes for increased operational efficiency.

Credit Operation Process

Commitment processes in relation to credits are targeted to be simplified, and commitment closure procedures are targeted to be performed and tracked by the exporter via online banking channel.

Product Description Process

It is targeted to simplify product description screens, establish the pricing structure, prepare the setup for detailed reporting in relation to customers and increase operational efficiency.


Insurance Limit Allocation Process

Insurance limit allocation processes are targeted to be improved for increased customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Insurance Operation Process

Insurance operation processes are targeted to be improved for increased customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.


Treasury Transactions Process

Transition is planned to be made to the Treasury Web Module designed using new technology.


Accounting Procedures Process

It is targeted to improve accounting processes, develop control mechanisms, create monitoring screens and increase operational efficiency.


Data & Reporting

It is targeted to create the architectural solution that will fulfill Türk Eximbank’s existing reporting and data warehouse needs, to facilitate access to data and enhance data quality.

Self-Serve Modeling

Developments are targeted to be made, which will allow preparation of the reports needed by users.


TFRS 9 processes are targeted to be reviewed and improved.

Scorecard Dashboard

Developments will be made for targets that serve the Bank’s strategy and to allow tracking the actualization of these targets.

Online Banking

 E-Branch Process

Process developments are targeted to be made on E-branch in view of recent technologies.

Information Technology

Information Technology

Technological, infrastructural and data-driven upgrades will be made to the BT infrastructure.