Recognizing the importance of understanding stakeholder needs and expectations, and prioritizing their optimal fulfillment, Türk Eximbank made it a principle to generate permanent value within the frame of its sustainability approach, to continually maintain a dynamic responsibility towards all its stakeholders, and to exhibit a management approach respectful of human rights.

Türk Eximbank sought stakeholder feedback in the identification of material issues that it has undertaken as part of its sustainability initiatives and administered a questionnaire, which was participated by internal and external stakeholders and devised with a double materiality perspective.

Türk Eximbank invited its stakeholders comprised of top management, employees, exporters, lenders, export credit agencies and sector organizations to take part in the questionnaire. Responded to by 170 internal and external stakeholders in total, the questionnaire results were evaluated by the Sustainability Committee. The Bank’s material issues were determined taking into consideration the Bank’s strategy, top management’s opinions and mega trends as well.

The material issues determined as the result of the study were grouped under 8 main headings, and current status assessments, benchmarking, target and key indicator identification were carried out for focus points.

These material issues that are aligned with the Bank's mission, vision, key goals and strategies are addressed in detail and backed with performance indicators in the chapters of the report.

Türk Eximbank’s material issues are listed below and detailed on the Materiality Matrix.

Materiality Matrix

Türk Eximbank Material Sustainability Issues of Focus

Related SDG

1- Financial Performance


2- Work Ethics


3- Circular Economy


4- Employee Satisfaction


5- Customer Satisfaction


6- Climate Change


7- Digitalization


8- Energy