Türk Eximbank regards sustainability as an essential element for the protection of the future and places it at the heart of its strategy.

When conducting its activities, Türk Eximbank considers all financial and non-financial risks that include environmental, social and governance factors, and continually enhances the Sustainability Management System that it implements at the level of international standards.

In this context, the Bank has prepared and publicly disclosed its Sustainability Principles, Environmental and Social Impact Policy and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policy.

Türk Eximbank Sustainability Principles

Türk Eximbank formulated and released its sustainability approach and Sustainability Principles.

Türk Eximbank Sustainability Principles can be reached at:


The Bank established its Environmental and Social Impact Policy and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policy, which are complementary to its Sustainability Principles.

Türk Eximbank Environmental and Social Impact Policy

The Bank formulated its Environmental and Social Impact Policy with the aim of managing its direct and indirect environmental and social impact resulting from its operations.

Türk Eximbank Environmental and Social Impact Policy can be reached at:

Sustainability Policies - Türk Eximbank

Türk Eximbank Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policy

Türk Eximbank believes in the important role of export credit agencies in promoting climate compatible development. For this reason, the Bank extends support for climate change and low carbon transition initiatives so that exporters can be more sustainable, resilient and stay internationally competitive in their activities.

Türk Eximbank Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policy can be reached at:


The Sustainability Committee is responsible for monitoring and executing the Environmental and Social Impact Policy and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policy, and Türk Eximbank Board of Directors is responsible for approving, updating and annulling the same.

Environmental and Social Impact Policy and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policy, which are part of Türk Eximbank’s Sustainability Management System, are reviewed at least annually, and updated as necessary. All updates are made available to Türk Eximbank employees and other stakeholders on the Bank’s intranet and internet sites.