When carrying out its operations in line with its long-term strategy and goals, Türk Eximbank pursues a multi-dimensional corporate governance approach that entails risk management for key issues, regulatory compliance and environmental/social impact analysis.

The Board of Directors serves as the highest management body responsible for making the strategic decisions that will draw the Bank’s roadmap. Focused on ensuring an accurate balance between risk and return, these decisions make the foundation of Türk Eximbank’s rational, cautious corporate governance concept that looks out for the future as well.

Policy and Strategy Documents that Regulate Türk Eximbank’s Operation

The principles regarding Türk Eximbank’s incorporation and duties are set out in the Law no. 3332 and the Council of Ministers resolution no. 2013/4286 dated 28 January 2013 based on the said Law.

Policy Documents

Regulation and Documentation Policy

Human Resources Policy

Integrated Management System Policy

Domestic Credit Policies

Credit Classification Policy

Information Security Policy


Main Process Documents

Credits Main Process

Insurance Main Process

Treasury Main Process

SWIFT Process

EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer), ESTS (Electronic Securities Transfer System) and IHS (Auction System) Processes

Financial Reporting Main Process

Support Main Process

Legal Reporting Process


ISO 37001 Documentation

Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption and Ethics Policy

Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption and Ethics Committee Procedure

Anti-Retaliation Guidelines

Conflict of Interest Prevention Guidelines

Donations and Assistance Guidelines

Gifts and Entertainment Guidelines

Due Diligence Guidelines

Consultation Notification and Reporting Guide