Türk Eximbank considers sustainability as a key instrument of offering value to its stakeholder group, as well as of financial performance in the short, medium and longterm, and integrates sustainability matters in its business processes and corporate decisions.

Constantly improved stakeholder relations

Stakeholder relations are important in terms of determining and implementing an effective sustainability and corporate governance strategy. Within the scope of these relations, Türk Eximbank defines sustainable development opportunities presented by the economic environment and increases its contribution to economic progress through multi-lateral cooperations it develops.

The Bank pursues stakeholder needs and expectations in all business processes, and conducts its activities within the form of a business conduct concept in alignment with the laws, regulation, arrangements and ethical rules in force.

Attaching the utmost importance to maintaining sustainable dialogue with its stakeholders, Türk Eximbank uses the feedback from stakeholder communication process as input in various areas such as identification of strategic priorities, policy development, devising the business model and so on.


Stakeholder involvement plays a key role for upgrading the products and services on offer, identifying risks and opportunities, and providing, maintaining and improving a transparent and accountable management concept.

Based on this fact, Türk Eximbank manages stakeholder relations on the basis of a participative, transparent and two-way communication system.

Stakeholder Group


Communication Channel with Stakeholders

Stakeholder Expectation

Actions Taken

Internal Stakeholder


E-mail, phone, meetings, questionnaires, face-to-face/online contacts, Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), demand management system

  • Responsible approach to human resources
  • Ensuring employee welfare
  • Rewarding performance
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Performance assessment
  • Employee training and development
  • Equal opportunities and diversity
  • Environmentally responsible business
  • Secure banking activities
  • Digital applications and IT technology infrastructure
  • Training activities
  • Professional and personal training programs
  • Performance assessment system
  • OHS initiatives
  • Exim HR
  • “Söz Sende” application and “Söz Sende” gatherings
  • Digital process upgrades
  • Sustainability-related activities

External Stakeholder

Public Institutions

E-mail, phone, meetings, Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), organization portals, questionnaires

  • Effective and timely finalization of demands
  • Compliance with regulations and internal bylaws
  • Supporting exports
  • Handling applications and demands
  • On-time delivery of necessary information and requirements
  • Implementing the public agencies’ requirements at the organization
  • Offering financing sources that will support exporters
  • Taking part in working groups


E-mail, phone, meetings, Eximbuy

  • Payments for purchased goods/services
  • Carrying out necessary tasks in relation to contractual terms
  • Timely and full payment of purchased goods/services
  • Reaching agreement upon contract terms

International Financial Institutions

E-mail, phone, online/face-to-face meetings, reporting

  • Ensuring timely submission of all required information
  • Paying site visits, as necessary, to qualifying exporters to be financed
  • Monitoring that the credit terms are being fulfilled during the term of the loan
  • Reporting with responsible banking approach
  • Supporting sustainable development
  • Timely delivery of necessary information and requirements
  • Visiting exporters as necessary
  • Ensuring that credit terms are monitored
  • Reporting timely and in the required format
  • Offering financing sources that will support sustainable development

Sector Institutions

E-mail, phone, online/face-to-face meetings, questionnaires

  • Finding common solutions for exporters
  • Developing partnerships and collaborations
  • Following up the regulatory arrangements with a potential impact on exporters’ competitiveness


Phone, e-mail, questionnaires, Public Disclosure Platform, exporter meetings, website, social network accounts, press releases, site visits

  • Maintaining work ethics
  • Financing exporters
  • Financing renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Bringing applications to conclusion swiftly
  • Responding to exporter expectations in credit allocation and insurance processes
  • Responsible banking concept
  • Conducting all activities in line with Türk Eximbank’s work ethics
  • Supporting exporters with appropriate funds
  • Supporting sustainable projects
  • Evaluating applications and getting back to the applicant for missing documents
  • Addressing, handling and mitigating exporter complaints

Sustainability Communication

Internal Communication

In 2023, Türk Eximbank continued working on its Sustainability Bulletin launched in 2021. Taking care to address different topics in each Sustainability Bulletin released, the Bank shares the progress it achieves in relation to sustainability with its employees via these bulletins.

During 2023, 8 Sustainability Bulletins were published which dealt with various topics including Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), European Union Emissions Trading System, SDGs and Türk Eximbank, and energy and paper consumption data.

External Communication

Sustainability Manager Caner GENÇELİ represented Türk Eximbank at the Banks Association of Türkiye Sustainability Working Group Good Practices Conference and İTHİB (İstanbul Textile and Raw Material Exporters Association) Sustainability Financing Conference. The presentations addressed topics such as Türk Eximbank’s approach to sustainability, carbon emission measurement method stemming from the loans disbursed by the Bank in 2022, and environmental, social and climate risks addressed in the ICAAP report.

Additionally, Türk Eximbank maintains its sustainability communication with external stakeholders via its posts on social network platforms.

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The International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers

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The Association of National Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in Member Countries of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

AMAN Union

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Environmental Practitioners Group


Asian Exim Banks Forum

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Participants to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credit

Platforms Türk Eximbank belongs to

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Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change National Carbon Pricing Specialized Working Group

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Türkiye Exporters Assembly (TİM) Industry Sustainability Science Committee


Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) Green Transformation Working Group

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İstanbul Chamber of Industry Sustainability Platform

Banks Association of Türkiye (TBB) Role of Financial Sector in Sustainable Growth Working Group